You Can't Take It with You sound clips

You Can't Take It with You (1938)


Wav (243k)Mp3 (492k)Ogg (421k)
Tax Man:"Now Mr Vanderhof, that's a very serious thing, not filing an income tax return."
Grandpa Vanderhof:"Now let's suppose I do pay you this money. Mind you, I don't say I'm going to, but just for the sake of argument. What's the government going to do with it?"
Tax Man:"What do you mean?!"
Grandpa Vanderhof:"Well, what do I get for my money? For instance, if I go into a department store and buy something, why there it is, I can see it. Well what are they going to give me?"
Tax Man:"The government gives you everything, it protects you."
Grandpa Vanderhof:"From what?"
Tax Man:"Well, invasion. How do you think the government's going keep up the army and navy with all those battleships?!"
Grandpa Vanderhof:"Battleships? Last time we used battleships was in the Spanish-American war, and what did we get out of that, Cuba, and we gave that back. I wouldn't mind paying for something sensible."
Tax Man:"Something sensible? What about Congress and the Supreme Court and the President?! We gotta pay them don't we?!"
Grandpa Vanderhof:"Not with my money! No sir!"

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